Thursday, December 18, 2008

Many Thanks!

Thanks so much for all the great feedback I am getting about the blog. I of course did not come up with all this myself so I must give credit where some credit is due. Let me give you a quick summary of how this came about. Thanks to Jody Beth, Jessica and Pastor Keith for tapping and trusting me to organize this because I LOVE it! Phil Melton was the first one who said something about a chat online somehow for the book club and instantly Jessica and I were, "yeah we could start a blog!" Someone made the background and the layout and I just put it all together how I liked it. I had a little advice from my friends Courtney and Amy who have blogs of their own. You can visit Courtney's at where she features recipes her husband and her like to try out, lots of Yummy treats. And Amy's at where her husband and her own a photography company and they do an awesome job, (there actual website is Many thanks go to everyone who suggested names but the winner went to my friend and office manager Donna who had the idea for Serendipity. Thanks to Heather for the "bookjunkie" name, how fitting. Thank you Kelli for your constructive criticism as I figured out all this stuff. Thanks Valerie for looking at it real quick last night on your way out to Choir because I was dying for feedback. Thank you Jody Beth for putting up with all my phone calls and thank you in the future because I have a feeling you will receive more.Thank you Kathy and Stevie for helping me get the information out there. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone, Sorry for the long list... you would have thought I was accepting an oscar or something crazy but I can't take all the credit... if I did forget, I'm sorry and Thank you!

I hope you will share in my excitement as we start this new year with our book club. Please tell everyone about it even if it is someone who cannot attend meetings we would love for your feedback and participation through the blog. It is perfectly fine to jump in and out as we read books you may want to read or not want to read. Please post comments as you read the book and any questions you may bring up. Christy Canady will participate from Georgia and we are so happy to have her. Most of all we must remember to give thanks to God for providing this book club, may it be a blessing to you in some way.
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