Tuesday, March 16, 2010

April Book Club Selection

A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers is going to be our book club selection for April. This book is fiction based on the real stories of the bible and is a hefty 542 pages. But please take note it is basically 5 smaller books combined into 1. Here is a description of what the book is about:

"In this compilation of the five books in the best-selling Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers, we meet the five women whom God chose-Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary-even scandalous-challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World." (end quote)

There has been much talk throughout the book club about this book series and it's compilation into one. If you will recall we read another book by Francine Rivers back in February 2009, Redeeming Love. And I believe you will be just as excited about this one as you had with her previous. I know that the page amount seems like alot but do not let it intimidate you. I know so many of you who read way more than one book a month so I am confident you will be able to do it!!
Kathy will be in touch with you all soon about a pre-order. Our April meeting will be in Swift's new annex at 8:30 AM on April 24th. Please let me know if you have any questions.

We do hope to see some of you who haven't been in a long time attend a meeting soon. We miss your company and input. Please talk to me if there is a problem about the meeting time/location or anything that we may be able to help you with.

**Don't forget the March meeting is coming up soon on March 27th at 8:30 am - 10 am in Swift's new building, classroom 2. Feel free to bring your friends and family!***

And don't forget, any book suggestions are always appreciated and remember to participate on the Blog!

Happy Reading!

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