Monday, March 15, 2010

The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser

I just finished up reading the 443 page book, The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser. This is a Christian Fiction based on some historical facts and settings. Here is the description from the back of the book:

Getting Past Her Grief Would Lead Her Across Town - To a Whole New World Mary Swan Middleton has always taken for granted the advantages of her family's wealth. But a tragedy that touches all of Atlanta sends her reeling in grief. When the family maid challenges her to reach out to the less fortunate as a way to ease her own pain, Mary Swan meets Carl - and everything changes. For although Carl is her opposite in nearly every way, he has something her privileged life could not give her. And when she seeks his help to uncover a mystery, she learns far more than she ever could have imagined. (End quote)

Months ago a friend of mine referred me to this book back when I first started the book club. Well I am always reading for new options and decided to pick this one up finally. I was originally hesitant because I knew it had a sequel (The Dwelling Place) and wasn't sure if this book could stand on it's own without the next book(s). This is a good sized book and I have to admit has taken some time for me to get through. I felt like the beginning opened strong, lagged throughout spots in the middle then finished up with a bang. Throughout the middle I had to make myself pick the book up and read and thinking that it's not going to be one I would care to read on to the sequel. Then at the end it had me in tears and loving it. I guess in a way now I understand how some felt about Redeeming Love who felt the same feelings. And now I know (when I have time) I will read the sequel. I feel like the author left lots of questions un-answered at the end about all the different people who played such an important role in the life of the main character, Mary Swan. Anyways this will not be a book club selection for us but that's not to say I wouldn't recommend it. When I do get around to reading The Dwelling Place I will def share that with you too. Happy Reading!

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