Thursday, January 15, 2009

The jungle is still the jungle.

In chapter 7 we are examining the part of the Psalm that states, “He restores my Soul.” Max Lucado gives us a scenario in a jungle to draw out hopelessness and feeling lost. Whether our jungle is the literal one that Max speaks of or the one that is around us all the time, we need someone to help us through it all. On page 57 he states, “Our Shepard majors in restoring hope to the soul.” He reminds us that because we have our Shepherd we have fellowship, vision and direction to deal with our jungles of life. Our surroundings may not have changed but we will when our Shepard is with us.

To go over what Max states again, you may not need this message today or maybe you do. But what is certain is that you will need it in the future. We don’t know what tomorrow holds for us. It’s nice to have the reminder of who to turn to when those difficult times come and the Jungle seems to be caving in on us. The jungle is still the jungle, but who is guiding you through it? All you have to do is ask for your Shepard and he is already there.

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1 comment:

Christy said...

Hey Amber! I've just checked out the book, so I haven't been able to comment yet. I'm trying to catch up to the blogs!! Thanks for doing this. I think it's great!