Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our God is a good God.

The burden of grief is something that is hard to grasp until it happens to you. When a loved one passes away it can feel like the wind has been knocked out of you. I have had very close relatives pass away before but this chapter hit home for me pretty recently. Many of you reading this probably already know but if you don’t I lost my mom June 1, 2008. She had been sick but it was somewhat unexpected timing for us. God knew when it would be all along though. We may not always like it or understand but it’s not for us to decide. On page 92 in chapter 10, Max goes over the question many face, “What if _________ wasn’t a believer?” I have the hope that Max describes that we don’t know someone’s inner thoughts. Our God is a good God and he wants all his children to come home. I am posting a portion of the speech I gave at my mom’s service which seems to be the right words to describe how I find comfort in my grief.

“Jesus says in Matthew that “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”. A great source of my comfort through this trying time has been my faith. 2 Corinthians states, “My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in your weakness” I have had several people make the comments to my sister and I that we seem to be staying so strong through this time. And I want everyone to know that it is not us that are the strong ones but we rely on His strength. I couldn’t imagine this time without Him, the promise of His return, and His victory over death. I am comforted in the knowledge that one day when I go to be with my Savior I will have the chance to be with my mom again. In such a time of grief and pain there is still much to be thankful to God for and I am comforted by the truth that all is in His control.”

If you have lost someone recently or years ago I just want to say that I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I know no magical word anyone can say will make us feel better but we must remember; Our God is a good God and He will help you through your grief.

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