Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Luggage in Life

If you have read through chapter one I think you get Max’s point about the amount of “luggage” we all tend to tote around. I had heard the saying, “carrying around baggage”, but until I read this I never realized how often we let ourselves do it without even realizing it. We may think that just because it’s not one of the “really big awful heavy ones”, we’re okay, but we’re not. If we are honest with ourselves we all probably put on at least one bag each morning. Regardless of the size of the bag, God wants us to turn it over to him and trust in him. I enjoy the stories Max gives to put things into perspective: about the bride and groom and the jogger. But my favorite is the way he puts the little boy at the baggage claim with the father saying, “Set it down, child. I’ll carry that one.”

I read this book for the first time this past summer and reading it again now I get to re-evaluate myself and think about what I have set down and what I may still need to put down. I hope you take a moment to look in the back of your book at the study guide for each chapter and ponder a moment over the questions in prayer. Max states that Traveling light means trusting God with the burdens you were never intended to bear. As we read through the Book and go through the 23rd Psalm I hope we are all able to take something away from it with us.

I will close this post with this question from Max in the back of the book: Are you taking advantage of Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28-30? If you want to comment or ask a question for discussion please do so!

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