Friday, March 13, 2009


Denver gives us a glimpse into what life is really like for a homeless person. His stories move something in me that want to do something like what Deborah and Ron do for the mission. It is neat to see the transformation in Ron as he goes to the mission and does things he thinks at first are just for Deborah but then later realizes that it’s for him too. I think what “mister” says to Ron in the book is a good eye opener for people. Just because someone is homeless doesn’t make them some kind of criminal or terrible person. It could happen to anyone. Have you ever known someone homeless or come across someone that was? What did you do, how did you react? Often times I see the people on the side of the road with the cardboard signs. I have heard several people say as well as myself, “Well I would like to help but just don’t know if they are scamming you or not.” And a very wise person told me that if God happens to give you that urging to give, then you do it. You let God take care of the rest because it’s not our job to judge what they do with the money because it is not our money anyway. I’m not saying you don’t have to be careful because there are people out there that will hurt you but that if you can, give to others and pray for God to take care of them and guide them. My mom tried to teach this to my sister and I. She tried to teach us that no matter who someone was or what they looked like, you could do something for them. After she passed away last summer my sister told me about a time that I don't quite remember in which my mother brought a homeless gentleman to Thanksgiving dinner. There was a little stir in the family I believe, but it all worked out okay. I hope one day I can be that kind of testimony for my children.

Here are some Homelessness Questions from the back of the book for you to ponder:
1) What is your initial reaction to encountering a homeless person or someone who is in serious financial or personal need?
2) If you were in that situation, how would you want others to respond to you?
3) Other than give money to social service agencies, what are three things you can do to provide ministry to the homeless people in your community?
4) Jesus’ ministry was often focused on society’s outcasts. Why did Jesus seek them out rather than socialize with the religious elite? With which crowd are you most likely to spend time – the outcasts in your community or the religious elite? Why?

Starting at about chapter 18 and on for a little while Ron and Denver go back and forth with their first meetings. I enjoy hearing Ron tell the Story then Denver cutting in with “Lord-a-mercy” and his different way of saying what he really thought of them two. I love the analogy Denver gives Ron about the fishing for friends. Isn’t that what we all really want… real friends not just catch and release friends? If you believe Deborah’s dreams it is truly amazing how it all worked out and how God spoke to her spirit. Denver does prove to be a wise man and we can already see that beginning now. I hope you are enjoying reading the book. We will announce April’s book next week for pre-orders so stay tuned! Have a great weekend!

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